Great Grandfather
Great Grandmother
Great Grandfather
Great Grandmother
Great Grandfather
Great Grandmother
Great Grandfather
Great Grandmother


This form calculates the cultural ethnicity of a subject person. The value is derived from ethnic or national origin values assigned to the subject's recent ancestors.

Cultural ethnicity differs from genetic ethnicity.

Cultural ethnicity is defined by the cultures of recent ancestors and is discovered by genealogical research, such as tracing immigration events.

Genetic ethnicity is a hot topic because of the recent increase in genetic testing. Genetic ethnicity is defined by matching DNA patterns to groups of people who are or were concentrated in a certain place.

Cultural ethnicity is limited by the ability to determine accurate values, but it provides a strong indicator of the cultures that influenced recent ancestors. Genetic ethnicity may reveal values that are not available in genealogical records, but it is limited by the accuracy of geographic estimates made by research organizations and includes a long-view of ethnicity that includes very distant ancestors.


Enter the ethnicity or national origin of a person in one of the text boxes. Any text you enter will automatically be echoed to the parents of the person whose value you are editing. For example, if you enter a value in the father text box, the value will be copied to the father's father and mother, and then to the father's grandparents.

If the subject's ethnicity is mostly one value, enter that value in the subject's text box, and then enter any exceptions in the text box of the relevant ancestor.