Version 5.03
- Added the Custom Index User Item
- Added the Links Person Entry Item which adds links to the Person Entry for people who pass a filter associated with each link
- Attribute names are now selected via a pull-down menu that includes all valid Attribute names
This avoids mistyped Attribute names and affects the Attribute Person Entry Item and the Attribute Text filter term.
- Added the New Container Person Entry Item
- Added the New Container property to the following Person Entry Items:
- Added the Omit SortDate-Only Birth Events property to the Tags section
- Added the First Page Content property to the Names section
- Added the Post-Make Command section
- Added the Tag Participant Index criteria term
- Added "resolve relative paths" processing to the Post-Make Command handling where the File property may now be a path relative to the Output (-o) folder
- Added the [Run Now] button to the Post-Make Command section
- When an Attribute Person Entry Item has no value because the Show Value property is unchecked and the Text property is empty, GedSite will no longer show an empty value column in grid-type Formats
- Changed some CSS styles that control spacing in HTML lists (bulleted lists, numbered lists)
If you have User Styles or other CSS that modifies lists, this change may alter the style of your site. You may want to remove or adjust padding-left values if the new list spacing is not what you want.
- Added the previously undocumented People Variable parameter NAMES to the Sentences help page
- Person Entry items that produce lists now include a CSS class name for each each row in the output of the item
This affects the output of the Ethnicity, Links, Person References, and Relationships Person Entry items and makes it possible to apply User Styles to the output of those items.
- Added the Add References property to the Custom Index User Item
- Fixed a left-margin issue that hid the vertical line that appears on the left of the cards in the Cards Panel
- Fixed the left-margin for the search results list
- Fixed a bug in Custom Indexes where surname character links did not work properly when the Custom Index values for Surnames per Page and Surname Index Reserve did not match the values in the Page Sizes Section
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where the gender switch ("
<% male | female | unknown >
") used in RootsMagic sentence templates did not work properly for witnesses
Version 5.02
Dedicated to Casey. 37 years ago, my fingers were really cold changing that tire, but I was still a very happy man.
- Added new User Items:
- Slideshow – Adds a slideshow to a page
- Person Events – Creates page content from a person's events
Similar to the "List based on a person's events" capability of the Second Site Custom Index User Item.
- Extra Footer Text – Adds content to the footer of the current Page
- Extra Header Text – Adds content to the header of the current Page
- Extra Section Text – Adds content to the extra section of the current Page
- Extra SideBar Text – Adds content to the sidebar of the current Page
- Added the Name Links property to the Names Section
Modified the processing such that the "First reference to person only" choice applies within a single Tag Set, not within all the Tag Sets in a Person Entry. This more closely matches the Second Site behavior, but more importantly, is more consistent with links that appear in other sections, like the Family Sections, for example.
- Added the Note Event property to the Family Sections Person Entry Item
- Added the Child List Format property to the Family Sections Person Entry Item
- Added the Person Legend and Accent Legend properties to the Indented Descendant and Indented Pedigree charts
- Added the Show Lifespan property to several charts:
Prior to adding the Show Lifespan property, the charts always included lifespans.
- Added new Text Codes:
- [INCLUDE:...] inserts the contents of a file in place of the Text Code
- [TRANSFORM:...] transforms an XML file and inserts the resulting HTML in place of the Text Code
- Added the Title Attribute and Alt Attribute properties to the Image User Item
- Added Menu Scripts: MenuBar Items in SideMenu, SideBar Items in MenuBar, and Suppress All Menu Items
- Added the Person Filter tab to all Tag Sets
- Added the X (decade) parameter to the D (date) variable to return the decade of the date, i.e., it returns "1920" for the date "17 February 1928"
- Added the T (test) parameter to the Person Image variable to test whether a person has a primary image exhibit or not
- Added the Tags.Expand AGE Values property
- Added the Names.Suffix Delimiter property
- Added automatic favicon support
- When a progress dialog completes and the check (done) icon appears, focus now shifts immediately to the main window
In the past, focus would not return to the main window unless the user clicked in the main window while the progress window was visible. Now, when the background task is complete, focus shifts to the main window. The progress window remains visible for a few seconds, then closes. This change allows the user to use Ctrl+B to view the site without waiting for the progress dialog to close.
- Added support for Text Codes in Static Content properties
- Behavior Change: when an enabled Page is on a disabled Page, the enabled Page will be made during the Make Site process
In prior versions, any enabled Page items under a disabled Page were not made. To accommodate this change and avoid changing the behavior of existing GedSite files, when GedSite reads a GedSite file from a prior version, it disables any enabled Page Items that are under a disabled Page, directly or indirectly.
SDF Conversion Fixes / Changes
- Fixed a bug where GS was not converting the selector in SS Structured User Styles
Only some SS selectors are modified, but GS was not applying those adjustments to SS Structured User Styles, only SS Free Form User Styles.
- Fixed a bug where the "other" property in the SS Structured User Style was not handled properly
- Fixed a bug where the Memo Filter in an SS "List of People Events" item was not added as a term in the corresponding GS Event Filter
- Now converts more Exhibit Gallery box dimensions
- Added menu-related selector conversions for SS User Styles
Fixed a bug where capitalization differences between SS and GS in enumerated properties (properties modified via pull-down menus) were not resolved properlyThis affected (for example) CSS alignment values where "Right" in SS was not converted to "Right" in GS.
Fixed a bug where the "Topic" filter in an SS Exhibit Gallery User Item was not converted into a "Short Title Filter" in the GedSite Exhibit Gallery User Item- Fixed a bug where the SS Tag Group predefined column value "Other Principal" was not converted to a valid GS predefined value
Fixed a bug where Page.Site scripts were not converted to the Cite code if the CD parameter was an empty string ("")- Added conversion of Icon Description User Items
GedSite does not have an Icon Description User Item. An SS Icon Description User Item is converted to a Text User Item with HTML to create a row in a table. GedSite has to guess the file extension and where the image file will be in the Output (-o) folder after making a site, and it may guess wrong. The conversion log includes a warning to check the icon filetype and subfolder.
- Fixed a bug where the Items per Page property in Exhibit Galleries and Image Galleries was not converted properly if it was empty or non-numeric
- Fixed a bug where the Map Events connecting line width property was not converted properly if it was empty or non-numeric
- Fixed a bug where TMG variables were not converted to GedSite variables in the Family Sections Heading Template
- Fixed a bug where SS script functions in Static Content properties were not converted to GS Text Codes
- Fixed a bug where "Exclude from..." properties in Tag Groups were not converted properly
- Fixed a bug where some HREF= and SRC= attribute values in HTML manually added by SS users were not converted to the proper relative URLs
- Fixed a bug where an SDF chart with unlimited generations was not converted properly and triggered a Make Site error in GedSite
- Fixed a bug where TMG variables were not converted to GedSite variables in Second Site's Block Panel Tag Group templates
- Added a Strings Comparison section to the SdfConversion.log file that shows which strings in the SDF file are not the same as the values in the Defaults file used to create the initial version of the SDF file
- Fixed an issue where GedSite did not convert
in heading values to<br>
- Fixed an issue where a stale Note event property--a Tag Type previously chosen that is not valid in the current data file--caused a Make Site error
- Fixed an issue where GedSite did not include a predefined Tag Type for FamilySectionNote in languages other than English (U.S.)
- Fixed a bug where loading a GEDCOM file with FamilySectionNote events/facts caused an exception
- Fixed a bug where Silhouettes didn't appear
- Fixed a bug where slideshow controls didn't work and the slide didn't change
- Fixed a bug where the year and age text in a Cards Panel timeline were not visible when using Themes with a dark background color
- Fixed a bug where pull-down menu properties that can be set by keying a value did not work properly
- Fixed an issue where multiple references to a place with place information (latitude/longitude, an exhibit, or a note) sometimes generated multiple place information pages that were identical when there should be only one place information page
Family Historian
Fixes for Family Historian
- Removed the "in" prefix from the value of "
" to match the FH value
The Master Genealogist
Enhancements for The Master Genealogist
- GedSite will now open SDF files written by Second Site and convert them to .gsfiles
Changes for The Master Genealogist
- Added several properties in the Application-Specific > The Master Genealogist section:
- Suppress Memo
- Suppress Primary Name Memo
- Ten place part (AKA "place level") properties
- Use Place Style
- Added support for the
printer code in exhibit captions and descriptions - Fixed a bug where the
printer code did not handle URLs that include&
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where Names with excluded sentences were included in the name index and search results
Version 5.01
- Fixed a bug where the Family History Hosting > Publish command failed with a login credentials error even when the credentials were correct
The Master Genealogist
Changes for The Master Genealogist
- Adjusted how GedSite loads source element information to avoid a bug in TMG where multiple source element records have the same RECNO (record number) value when the RECNO values are supposed to be unique
Version 5.00
- Updated to use .NET 8, the latest long-term support version of the .NET infrastructure
Users don't need to understand what .NET 8 is, or how it works. It's a modern infrastructure for building applications and guarantees that GedSite has a solid footing. It also provides many performance improvements. GedSite is now faster!
Prior to this release, GedSite was built with .NET Framework 4, and restricted to using that infrastructure due to a dependency inherited from the user interface components used by prior versions of GedSite. I replaced those user interace components with new, home-grown components built using .NET 8.
GedSite should be noticeably faster when making a site or when loading your GEDCOM file or TMG project. The speed improvement is due to the .NET 8 conversion as well as fine-tuning during and after the conversion effort.
- Added support for light mode (dark text on a light background) and dark mode (light text on a dark background) in GedSite's user interface via the Customize menu
- Added support for several color schemes in GedSite's user interface via the Customize menu
- Added support for Text Codes in place notes
Place notes appear on "place information pages". See: Places Section
- Fixed a bug where the CITE and FOOTNOTE Text Codes did not trigger the addition of a citation list at the bottom of the Place Information page
- Fixed a bug where the citation list at the bottom of the Place Information page included citations from the current person when the place information page was rendered
- Added a new variation of the PERSON Text Code where omitting the personId parameter yields the name of the current person when used in a Literal Text Person Entry Item
- Added support for GEDCOM files where FAM records include two HUSB subrecords or two WIFE subrecords rather than one of each
- Changed the Interactive Pedigree chart to use box colors based on a person's gender rather than box colors based on position in the hierarchy
- Added a date/time stamp to several script references to avoid "stale script" issues caused by browsers caching the scripts
- Changed how page contents are managed in memory before they are written to HTML files to reduce the number of memory allocations and reduce the number of temporary copies created as page contents are assembled
This change should improve the performance of the Make Site command. In my testing--with very few exhibits in the site--the improvement was 15% to 20%. Sites with more exhibits will probably see a lower percentage improvement because this change does not reduce the time required to copy exhibit files.
- Removed the HTML links from all Theme Credits
- Changed checkbox properties and other checkboxes to look more like traditional checkboxes
- Removed the tooltips from the buttons beneath list/tree properties where you add, edit, etc., items; I need to resolve the issue where the tooltip interferes with using the drop-down menu but I haven't found it yet so I disabled the tooltips
- Added the Show List Item Tooltips preference
- Updated the progress bar to be more like progress bars in other applications, and fixed the display of the progress text ("nn%") to correct text color contrast issue(s)
- Progress window now adjusts size based on size of label text to provide more room for message text
- Updated some screenshots in Help pages, but I need to redo some of those and there are a lot more to convert
- Updated icons used in progress windows (loading data file, making site) and several message windows, like the "save item" confirmation windows
- Changed menubars and other menus to use the label font
- Made minor adjustments to the appearance of the progress bar in the progress windows
- GedSite now saves the last selected Customize > Toggle Light / Dark Mode preference
- GedSite now saves the last selected Customize > User Interface Color preference
- GedSite now saves the last selected font settings for Customize > Set Button Font..., Customize > Set Label Font..., and Customize > Set Text Font...
- When a user presses the F1, GedSite now uses a new method to determine if there is a help page available for the current section
- Added the Edit > Open Alternate Editor... (Shift+F7) command
- Fixed a bug where Theme colors were not loaded into the Theme Palette of color properties
- Fixed a bug where place notes with special characters (such as newlines) were not being encoded properly and caused JavaScript errors when attempting to include the place in a Map User Item
- Fixed a bug where attempting to edit a Tag Set triggered a fatal exception
- Fixed a bug where some icons would not appear under Win10
- Fixed a bug with the Map Editor where it triggered a Fatal Error
- Fixed a bug where editable pull-down menus (where you can select an item, or key your own value) would trigger a Fatal Error
For example, the Part property of the Tag Place Part filter item.
Fixed an issue where the Map Editor did not work- Fixed a bug where the Copy User Style and Paste User Style commands were not in the Edit menu editing a User Style
- Fixed a bug where the Font dialog (for customizing the fonts of the user interface) did not work properly for some fonts
Implemented a custom Font dialog to replace the standard Font dialog which caused the bug. The custom Font dialog honors the light/dark mode and the custom UI colors, which is a nother advantage compared to the standard Font dialog.
- Fixed a bug where dragging a Tree property node caused a crash if the node had a long title
- Fixed a bug where the User Items list was not keeping track of which parent items were expanded or collapsed
- Fixed a bug where "view only" properties caused a fatal exception, such as trying to add Subject Age to an Event Count filter
- Fixed a bug where the Update Available button was not highlighted if/when it appeared
- Fixed an issue where moving a window between monitors would cause some ugly/broken property editors if the two windows used different scaling settings
- Fixed an issue where properties that were supposed to show multiple lines of text were only showing one line; an example property is Page User Item's Main Content
- Fixed a bug where the Utilites > Edit Tag Types command failed
- Fixed an issue where long step names in Wizards did not wrap
- Fixed an issue where the control that shows the PageSet Layout choice, which uses the "choose folder with image" Property Editor, left a lot of empty space when choosing "Inherit"
- Fixed a bug (third attempt) where the Make Site process failed if Data.Exhibits.Optimize Images was on
- Fixed a bug where Family Historian's "templated sources" were not formatted properly; this bug was introduced in the conversion from .NET Framework 4 to .NET 8
- Fixed a bug where long property labels didn't display properly for list-type and tree-type properties
- Fixed a bug where the Make Site process failed if Data.Exhibits.Optimize Images was on
- Fixed a bug where the message window did not show the entire text of long messages
- Fixed a bug where alignment codes for the PERSON-IMAGE Text Code did not work properly unless specified in lowercase
Family Tree Maker
Fixes for Family Tree Maker
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was creating two copies of the primary image exhibit
Version 4.17
- Added the Add Source Exhibits to Citation property to the Sources section
- Fixed a bug in the Add Source Exhibits to Citation property where exhibits would be added twice under some circumstances
- Added the Age filter term for use in people filters
- Added the Subject Age filter term for use in event filters
- Added new Field choices for the List of People Person Field, Age (At death), Age (Now if living), Age (Now if living or at death), and Age (Now or at death)
- Added three new wizards, Add List of People (Early Marriage), Add List of People (Early Death), and Add List of People (High Age)
- Added the Citation Repositories list to the Sources Section
Version 4.16
- Added the Silhouettes feature to the Person Exhibits Person Entry Item
- Modified image file handling for Image User Items and Name Icons to allow users to organize image files in user-defined subfolders of the Input (-i) folder
Version 4.15
- Changed/corrected the HTML GedSite uses to render heading tags and added a new Strings entry to allow users to customize the HTML
- Fixed a bug where the Sentence predefined value for List of People content did not work
Family Historian
Changes and Fixes for Family Historian
- Added support for data references "{%CUR~WITN>NAME%}", {%CUR~WITN>NAME:GIVEN_ALL%} (and other name parts), "{%CUR~WITN>NAME.TYPE%}", {%CUR~WITN>NAME[N]%}, and {%CUR~WITN>NAME[N].TYPE%}
For data references that include "[N]", specify a number (1,2,3, etc.) in place of "N" to choose which of the person's names to use.
- Fixed an issue where GedSite did not support name part references after a role name, i.e., "{role:NAMEPART=rolename}"
- Fixed an issue where GedSite did not suppress citation and exhibit output for facts where the sentence is "{blank}"
The Master Genealogist
Enhancements for The Master Genealogist
- Added support for double-excluded text via TMG-specific properties
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was not honoring exclusion markers in source templates
- Added several TMG-specific properties to control excluded text and citations
Version 4.14
- Added the "Y" parameter to the "LSP" People Variable Parameter and documented two other previously undocumented parameters, "B" and "F"
- Added "Name (Surname First)" as a Field Choice for a Person Field in the List of People User Item
- Added the PersonID Code
is intended for use in the Literal Text Person Entry Item
Family Historian
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed an issue where GedSite was not assigning the correct Tag Type to some family events
- Fixed an issue where GedSite was applying the "Age At Format" template to produce the
function result, which typically includes literal text like "at age", whereas the FH function returns the age value only
The Master Genealogist
Enhancements for The Master Genealogist
- Added support for sentence variables
, and[LSP2]
The LSPx codes are not implemented in TMG. They are extensions added long ago in Second Site that are now supported in GedSite.
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed an issue where GedSite was not assigning the correct CSS class for text rendered inside TMG's [SCAP:] and [:SCAP] printer codes
Version 4.13
- Added the Exhibits.Embed Position (Citation) property
As part of this change, renamed Exhibits.Embed Position to Exhibits.Embed Position (Tag) to clarify the role of that property and differentiate it from the new property.
- GedSite now uses events with Calculated, Interpreted, To, Estimated, Between, Either/Or, and FromTo dates when analyzing if a person is living or dead
- For GEDCOM NAME records with a TYPE subrecord, GedSite now adds a prefix "Name-" to the TYPE value to avoid possible collisions with event types
GEDCOM Tag Type 1 NAME Mary Elizabeth /Smith/
2 TYPE BirthName-Birth 1 NAME Mary /Todd/
2 TYPE MaidenName-Maiden
- Fixed an issue where GedSite was using the name of a previously-defined Tag Type for a new custom Tag Type and that caused issues under specific conditions too convoluted to describe here
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was not checking ancestor events properly when analyzing if a person is living or dead
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added support for data references that include indexed names, i.e.,
- Added support for NAME.TYPE data references, i.e.,
, etc. - Added/modified NAME Format results
- Added a period and space as a prefix when automatically appending the NOTE value to event output via the Add Note to Global Sentence property, but please see the recommendation about not using this option in Family Historian
Version 4.12
- Added the Copy to Include Folder property to the Include User Item; see this explanation of how this property affects the operation of the Include User Item
- Added an Explain command to the context menu for filter properties where the explanation shows a text representation of the filter
- Added the WM and NWM parameters to People variables
- Added the Variable Text Code and renamed the Data User Item to the Variable User Item
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added support for the
Version 4.11
- Fixed a bug in the Narration Format where the last Person Entry item, typically the Citation List, was not included in the output
- Fixed an issue in the Narration Format where image exhibits did not float next to the narrative text if the Person Exhibits item was not immediately before a BMDB Only or Body Tag Set item; with this change, the image(s) will also float if the Person Exhibits item is immediately before the "Biography" No Output Tag Set item
Version 4.10
Family Historian
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed an issue with using the Witness() function as a data reference parameter to another function
Version 4.09
- Adjusted the Person Exhibits item for the Narration Format to solve some spacing issues and avoid some edge cases where floating the items is not the best approach
Some (if not all) of these issues were triggered by the enhancement to allow splitting the Person Exhibits into primary and non-primary in the Person Entry. However, there were some pre-existing issues that I assume weren't noticed before. I think all combinations of the various properties are handled in a reasonable way. There are some combinations where the narrative text will NOT flow to the right, including when the Person Exhibits item does not precede a Body Tag Set. I also updated the help page to describe the rules.
- Added the ability to split Person Exhibits in the Person Entry into primary and non-primary
- Added the Language.Sort Language property
- Fixed a bug where person exhibits did not allow the subsequent content to flow to the right when using the Narration Format
Also fixed the help that explains this behavior.
- Added the Capitalize First Letter property to Tag Set: Table Panel Column Items
- Added the SOR parameter to the Age variable
- Added new predefined values "Other Principals and Role" and "Other Principals and NP Role" for use in the the Tag Set: Table Panel and the Tag Set: Cards Panel
- Added the NRL:ORP and NRL:ORW parameters to People variable
- Added the PM parameter to Tag Label variable
- Added a CSS class to the Next and Previous Menu Items,
to allow User Styles to manipulate them separately from other Menu Items - Modified the Search User Item browser scripts to improve word break detection when using Unicode letters
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added support for the
variable - Changed the behavior of the
variableAs of FH7, FH inserts a period and space when processing the
variable. That is a change from FH6. GedSite now follows the FH7 behavior. When reading a GEDCOM file exported from FH6 or previous, GedSite changes{note}
which provides the pre-FH7 behavior of{note}
The Master Genealogist
Enhancements for The Master Genealogist
- Added support for HTML character escapes
Version 4.08
- Fixed a bug in v4.07 where it did not convert tag filters properly for "Tag Set: No Output" items
This issue only affected No Output items that were added by the user or were modified from the default item included in new .gsfiles.
Changes for Legacy
- Now supports event definitions in GEDCOM files for BMDB tag types
Evidently, Legacy GEDCOM files may now include BMDB event definitions whereas they were not included in prior versions.
Version 4.07
- Updated the Cards Tag Set Panel to simplify the implementation of Virtual Witness Cards; this change should be invisible but if beta testers see any differences with Virtual Witness events, please let me know
- Added a new Tag Set type, Blocks Panel
- Fixed an issue which prevented the Tag Set: Blocks Panel item from appearing in the [+] button choices for the Person Enty list
- Added the Virtual Witnesses facility, a new feature available in all Tag Sets
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was using the default sentence for virtual witnesses if Format.Tag Sentence was set to Use Default Sentence
- Updated the Cards Tag Set Panel and the Bullets, Bullets Unlabeled, Two Columns, and Three Columns Formats to accommodate Virtual Witnesses
- Added the GEDCOM Editors section to allow making find-and-replace edits to GEDCOM records as a GEDCOM file is read by GedSite
- Updated the Tag Filter Tab in all Tag Sets replacing several properties with new Event Filter and Name Filter properties to expand the Event and Name filtering options for Tag Sets
GedSite converts Tag Filter Tab properties from prior versions to the new filter properties when opening existing .gsfiles.
- Fixed a bug where the default items for a new Tag Set: Cards Panel used a broken filter term which rendered all Cards as if they were Virtual Witness tags
This only affected Tag Set: Cards Panel items added in v04.06.04. Existing Tag Set: Cards Panel items were not affected.
- Fixed a bug where the default items for a new Tag Set: Cards Panel used a broken filter term which rendered all Cards as if they were Virtual Witness tags
- The Add and Edit windows for all Tag Sets now include a Filter Wizards menu to simplify the addition of filters that reproduce the effect of properties that were replaced by the new, more general-purpose Event Filter and Name Filter properties
- Added a Person Filter to the Exhibit Gallery User Item to provide a general-purpose filter
- Added a Person Filter property to the Attribute and Literal Text Person Entry Items
- Updated the Cards Tag Set Panel to include age in the timeline when the subject is a witness to a Birth Group event; in prior versions, age was always omitted for all Birth Group events when it was only intended to be omitted for the subject's own birth
- Updated the Cards Tag Set Panel to include CSS classes based on Tag Type and Tag Group; this makes it easier to adjust Cards styles via User Styles
- Added a new Theme section, "Sans-Serif Text", to specify font characteristics when the Theme intends to use a sans-serif font family; changing the sans-serif text now requires one property edit rather than eight
- Added the Publish.Add JSON-LD Metadata property
- Added new filter terms:
- Moved the Use Shared Libraries property from the Media section to the Publish section, and removed the (empty) Media section
Changes for Reunion
- GedSite now converts Reunion's custom flag values to person attributes if the user-specified GEDCOM tag starts with
Version 4.06
Two much: 2022-02-22
- Added "By last edited date" as an option for the Sort People option of the List of People User Item
- Fixed a bug where GedSite sometimes set living status incorrectly for people with many generations of ancestors
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added support for these functions: Exists, FieldText, Section
I added Exists function in .
FieldText support is limited to a subset of data references and data reference constants.
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed an issue where GedSite mishandled empty parameters (consecutive commas) in function references and that caused template errors
- Fixed an issue where private text ("
") caused formatting errors
Version 4.05
- Fixed a bug where the [OK] button was enabled in date term edit windows even though required fields were empty
- Fixed a bug where GedSite would use the wrong repository data for some citation and source entries
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- When rich text contains a one line value with no formatting, GedSite treats it as plain text; this produces an inline value rather than a block value
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where GedSite did not recognize source element references like
[Publisher Address]
where the element name contained one or more spaces
Version 4.04
- Fixed a bug where date terms in filters did not always work properly and criteria using the date term operator Within caused the Make Site command to fail
- Fixed a bug where the Interactive Pedigree chart didn't always open with the requested number of generations
Version 4.03
- Added a new Tag Set Sort option, By Tag Label and Date
- Added a new filter term, Tag Place Part
- Added a new operator to the Tag Date and Last Edited terms, Does not equal
- Fixed a bug introduced in v4.02.01 where GedSite crashed when attempting to choose the Date operator Does not equal
- Added the Family Sections.Person Prefix For property
- Changed the Interactive Pedigree chart to include spouses without children in the "Partners & Children" section
- Fixed a bug introduced in v4.02.01 where the chart was not rendered properly when changing the number of generations via the pull-down menu
- Fixed a bug introduced in v4.02.01 where the focus person was included in the Siblings list
- Fixed an issue where newline characters were not converted to the HTML BR (break) element when rendered in an event note in the Cards Panel
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- When GedSite does not recognize an FH7 function, it issues an error message but it is no longer a fatal error as it was in previous versions
- Added support for these functions: AgeAt, Parentage, Witness
- Added support for several new data references:
, and several others
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where GedSite did not recognize TMG printer codes in source templates
Version 4.02
Dedicated to all the Nicks
- Fixed a bug where parents in a family were marked primary in multiple family events in the same Tag Group
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where the fact note was appended to the end of sentence output for witnesses when it should be restricted to principals only (see Add Note to Global Sentences and Add Note to Local Sentences)
Version 4.01
- Added the Sources.Source Notes and Sources.Source Text properties
Family Historian and RootsMagic users should pay special attention to these new properties. Those applications do not support field references in their source templates for source notes or source text. You may now include the values in your site, but you must set the new properties to suit your preferences.
- Improved the logic for choosing where to place citation references and linked exhibit links
- Fixed a bug where the Make Site command would fail if GedSite was opened by double-clicking a .gsfile document
- Fixed a bug where the decoder for the ANSEL character set failed under certain specific conditions
- Fixed a bug where empty name parts were treated as non-empty when tested in templates, such as
if the person had no surname
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added support for Fact Flags "Private" and "Rejected": facts with those flags are not loaded
- Added support for Fact Flag "Tentative": GedSite adds a memo part to the event so [M:Tentative] is set to "Tentative"
- Added support for reference-specific captions for media items imported via
- Added support for Family Attributes which are now exported via
when using the Export Gedcom File plugin - Added support for function expressions and data references in source templates
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed a bug where the wrong source and citation formatter was used for FH sources that do not use the FH7 source template system
This fix applies to the prior beta version only. The Sources.Use Application Types property no longer has any effect on FH source and citation formatting.
- Fixed a bug where some rich text notes were not parsed properly if parameters had embedded quote characters
Changes for Legacy
- Improved the Legacy template parser so that a stray, unmatched
character does not invalidate subsequent valid variable references
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where TMG printer codes in image captions were not processed when rendering captions for Exhibit Gallery items
Version 4.00
- Added a new Tag Set type, Cards Panel
- Added the Tag Participants term to filter events by the number of participants, principals, or witnesses
- Added new Role term to filter events by the subject's Role name
- Added new Date comparison operators "Is empty" and "Is not empty"
- Added the Primary Birth and Primary Death terms to filter people by the characteristics of the primary birth or primary death event
- Added support for several new features in Family Historian 7 (see below)
- Added the Person Prefix property to the Subject Name, Family Sections, and Parent Section Person Entry Items
You can now add a reference number or other value before names that appear in the sections listed above.
- Added the Exhibits.Include Note property
- Added the Output Type and Class properties to the Ancestor Lineage Item
- Added the Class property to the Descendant Lineage Item
- Added the missing surname indicator to the list of names in the picklist
- Fixed a bug where the Make site command failed with an "Object reference not set" message due to an error in a sentence template or the use of an unsuppored feature in a template
- Adjusted narrative processing to fix some period-placement issues and other seam/punctuation issues
- Fixed a bug where GedSite hung when loading a GEDCOM file due to an invalid location for a
record - Changed the Attribute filter term to trim the attribute name before evaluating the comparison
- Fixed a bug where Family Sections were not always in the right sequence if the first-born child was a primary child in one family and a non-primary in another
- Fixed a bug where the Descendant Lineage Item sometimes produced the wrong lineage when a non-primary parent was a descendant of the progenitor
- Fixed a bug where the Date term's "Equal" operator returned the wrong result
- Fixed a bug where Family Sections were not always in the right sequence if the first-born child was a primary child in one family and a non-primary in another
- Fixed a bug where the Descendant Lineage Item sometimes produced the wrong lineage when a non-primary parent was a descendant of the progenitor
Family Historian
Enhancements for Family Historian
- Extended support for source templates
- Now supports more template functions
- Now supports expressions in parameters, i.e., you can use addition, subtraction, etc., in parameter values such as the "
" im{=Text(Year(%FACT.DATE%)+10)}
- Added support for several template functions
- Adjusted the GetLabelledText() function for Family Historian to work with NOTE values that contain rich text
Rich text is stripped of formatting markup and then GS searches the plain text for the label. If found, the plain text value is returned. If there is any markup in the value itself, it is removed as part of this process. If you want to use rich text, don't use GetLabelledText() to get it out of a note, especially a note that doesn't contain any other text.
- Added support for FH7 source templates
- Added support for FH7 rich text in notes including line formats (paragraphs, lists, indented lines), inline text styles (font family, font size, text color, highlight color, bold, italic, strikeout, and underscore), and tables (rows and columns)
- Added support for FH7 links in notes including links to people and sources
- Added support for FH7 embedded citations in notes
- Added support for the specific uses of GetLabelledText() function
Fixes for Family Historian 7
- Changed the definition of the
data reference; it now returns the raw value of the GEDCOMPLAC
value, so it will include commas for empty place parts if empty parts are included in the GEDCOM valueThis should make the
function results match the results when using Family Historian. - Fixed a bug where sentence templates for family attributes (as opposed to events) were not loaded properly after a change to Export Gedcom File plug-in
- Fixed a bug where some conditional expressions ("a" = "b", etc.) were not handled properly in function expressions
- Fixed a bug where the Family Historian function Sex() did not work if the Strings for male, female, and unknown were not set to the default values
Family Tree Maker
Enhancements for Family Tree Maker
- Added support for the custom
record which specifies a note for a media item; GedSite treats this the same as the standardOBJE.NOTE
Changes for Reunion
- Added configuration statements to ignore non-standard
records that interfere with the GedSite's processing ofINDI.ASSO
Changes for RootsMagic
- When Notes.Add Note to Global Sentence or Notes.Add Note to Local Sentence is checked, GedSite will now append the event note for principals but will append the witness note for witnesses
In prior versions, GedSite would append the event note for both principals and witnesses. That did not match the Rootsmagic behavior.
Version 3.07
- Improved the Calendar User Item when rendered on small windows
- Added the Data User Item which is a special-purpose User Item for storing text
As of this release, the "MenuBar from Data Item" Menu Script is the only way to use a Data User Item.
Version 3.06
- Improved the layout of the Interactive Pedigree chart to reduce the horizontal width
- Improved the error handling for the Publish to Family History Hosting command to allow GedSite to recover from more network errors
- Improved the error handling for the Publish to Family History Hosting command to allow GedSite to recover from more network errors
- Fixed a bug where nested folders under the Input (-i) folder caused a failure during the Publish to Family History Hosting command
- Fixed a bug where the primary person exhibit was not rendered first when both primary and non-primary exhibits were embedded in the Person Page entry
Family Tree Maker
Enhancements for Family Tree Maker
- Added support for the custom
record which assigns a date to a media item
Enhancements for RootsMagic
- Added support for Media Item Keywords
Version 3.05
- Added labels for parent-child relationships to the Parent Section and Family Sections
This support is limited to applications that make the information available. See either of the help pages linked above for details.
Changes for Improved GEDCOM Import Compliance
- Added support for the
record as part of the parent-child relationships enhancement described above - Modified the import logic for GEDCOM
records where an initial empty line is not discardedGedSite will strip an empty first line when reading a GEDCOM file exported from Reunion because it always includes an empty first line that is not part of the actual
value. - Adjusted the GEDCOM import rules so the
, andWWW
record values are added as memo parts on the event recordThe
, andWWW
values are converted to links.There are no references to these new memo parts in the standard GedSite sentences, and I am not aware of any programs with sentence templates that refer to those values. If you want to include them in output, you'll have to use a GedSite sentence for the event, and you'll have to include "
", "[M:Telephone]
", or "[M:Web Site]
" in the sentence template.
Version 3.04
- Maps created with the Map User Item using the Google Maps service now include a "go to current location" feature
The button does not appear when using the Map Editor as the Google Maps API does not allow it on local pages.
- Added a Sort property to the Exhibit Gallery User Item
- Modified the default handling of the ALIA (Alias) GEDCOM tag to create either an Alias event linking two people (consistent with GEDCOM 5.5.1 specification) or a Name-AKA (consistent with some non-standard programs)
- Added several Polish characters to the Search User Item's Match All Diacritics option
- Added several formerly-untranslated French strings
- Changed the method used to determine the type (image, audio, video, document) of an exhibit such that the file extension, if any, carries more weight than the GEDCOM
- Fixed a bug where the GEDCOM
(restriction) record was not implemented for names and individual eventsIf a name structure includes a RESN subrecord, the name value is converted to the Name Strings.Private Name value.
If an individual event structure includes a RESN subrecord, the event is ignored.
- Fixed a bug where certain invalid level numbers in GEDCOM files would cause a failure to read the file
Family Tree Maker
Changes for Family Tree Maker
- Removed custom handling for FTM's non-standard ALIA tag in favor of a more flexible default handler that supports both standard and non-standard variations without source-specific rules
- Added support for the
(private) record that FTM uses to mark media items (exhibits) as private
Version 3.03
- Added the Introduction property to the Interactive Pedigree chart
- Added the Button option to the Output Type property of the Pedigree Link Person Entry item
- Added the Styles.Person Entry.Pedigree Link Button Style section to control the appearance of the button used when the Output Type property of the Pedigree Link Person Entry Item is set to "Button"
- Added the Styles.Charts.Focus Icon Style section to control the background color of the focus icon in the Interactive Pedigree chart
- Added support for URL exhibits provided via shortcut files; when an external exhibit refers to a file with the extension ".url", GedSite will read the file to determine the URL
- Changed the designer credit for the nonzero - red and nonzero - brown themes based on input from the designer
Changes for Legacy
- Added support for non-standard GEDCOM in Legacy 9.0 where a custom
record with the value "N' indicates aFAM.MARR
record for the given family should not create a Marriage event
Enhancements for RootsMagic
- Added support for Web Tags; they are treated as (converted to) URL Exhibits
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where empty source element values in citations would sometimes have an incorrect value
The Master Genealogist
Changes for The Master Genealogist
- Added limited support for
[FCAP:] / [:FCAP]
printer codes: variables that produce pronouns will honor FCAP
Version 3.02
- Added the Interactive Pedigree chart and two related components, the Pedigree Link Person Entry Item and the Pedigree Link User Item
The Interactive Pedigree facility is automatically added to new .gsfiles. For existing .gsfiles, use the Wizard > Add Interactive Pedigree Chart menu command to add the facility to your site.
- Added the People Filter Tab to the following charts: Box Descendant, Box Pedigree, Indented Descendant, Indented Pedigree
- Added the DNA Descendant Of filter term to filter or accent people based on DNA inheritance of mtDNA, X-DNA, or Y-DNA
- Added the View > Show Attributes and View > Show Citations commands to the Record Browser
- Name Icons in the site should now appear in the same sequence as they appear in the Name Icons section in GedSite
Changes for Legacy
- Adjusted the import rules to handle Legacy's non-standard (and unfortunate) combination of
/2 TYPE Unmarried
to indicate an unmarried couple
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where source templates switches were not working properly in all cases
Version 3.01
- Added the Name Icons section to add icons to names that appear in the site
- Added the Name Icons Table User Item to add a table that describes Name Icons
- Added the Person Image User Item which adds the primary image exhibit of a designated person to a custom page
- Added the Person Image Code which allows a primary image exhibit to be inserted by adding a Text Code in the Text property of a Heading User Item or Text User Item
- Added the Match All Diacritics property to the Search User Item
- Added an Anchor Name property to the Heading User Item and Text User Item to make it easier to add Anchor links to those items
- Added the Page Contents User Item which adds a table of contents to a Page that has a lot of content
- Added the Associated Text capability to the Image Gallery
Version 3.00
- Added support for adding a person's primary image to the Box Descendant Chart and the Box Pedigree Chart
- Added the Ethnicity Item which adds ethnicity information to the Person Entry
- Added the Ancestor Lineage Item which adds a lineage path (descendant names) or ahnentafel number to the Person Entry
- Added the Include Siblings and Include Sibling Spouses properties to the Ancestor Of filter term
- Added support for Family exhibits
- Added support for URL exhibits
- Added support for non-primary parents; see People.Show Non-Primary Parents
- Added two new wizards, Add List of People (Ancestors) and Add List of People (Descendants) properties to the Ancestor Of filter term
- Improved the layout of the Box Pedigree Chart when Connector Style is set to "Connect on right": the new layout is more compact in version 3.00 than it was in prior versions
For an example, see the newsletter for this release.
- Improved the error message for invalid templates used in Table Column definitions, including List of People columns and Table Panel Tag Set columns
- When loading image file metadata, GedSite now gives priority to the EXIF tag "DateTime Original" over the EXIF tag "Image DateTime"
- When a child is a member of multiple families, GedSite will favor the family identified by the first INDI.FAMC record
In prior versions, the primary parents were determined by the FAM record with the lowest XREF value.
- When a name or event has multiple notes, the second and subsequent note values are stored in named parts that include a numeric suffix, i.e., Note2, Note3, etc., and those values can be accessed by the [M:Note2], etc., variables Family Trees
Enhancements for Family Trees
- The URL exhibits support mentioned above was added primarily to support GEDCOM files exported by Family Trees which often include media items with URL paths
Family Historian
Enhancements for Family Historian
- Added support for several name-related Data References:
, and a subset of the options for those names:FIRST
, andFULL
- Added support for Media Item Keywords
Family Tree Maker
Fixes for Family Tree Maker
- Fixed a bug where the primary image exhibit was not set to the image indicated by FTM's custom
Enhancements for GenoPro
- Added support for GEDCOM files exported from GenoPro using GenoPro's File > Export > Export to GEDCOM via the Report Generator... command
- Added support for GEDCOM files exported from GenoPro using GenoPro's File > Export > Export to GEDCOM Format... command
Fixes for Legacy
- Fixed a bug where the Legacy variables
, and[HeSheFirst]
applied to the main person (or main couple) in the sentence template for a witness when they should refer to the witness
Changes for RootsMagic
- Improved name type handling; see Name Types
This is a breaking change. If you have defined Tag Types for RootsMagic alternate names, you will have to rename them.
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where the output was not correct for some complex sentence templates with conditional variable references inside switch expressions
- Fixed a bug where certain names used in source fields caused exceptions in GedSite
Version 2.12
- Added the Descendant Lineage Item which adds a lineage path (ancestor names) or genealogical number (d'Aboville or Modified Henry) to the Person Entry
- Added the Names.Pronoun Substitution property
- Changed punctuation handling such that periods at the end of text fields will be left in place even if the next character is another punctuation character
- Fixed a bug where an event with two principals was shown even if one of the principals was ineligible to be shown; in prior versions, the event was shown, but the limited principal was not
- Fixed a bug where sorting people by birth date was using the Date field, which is incorrect; it now uses the SortDate field, which is correct
- Fixed a bug where the Ancestor Generation and Descendant Generation Filter Terms included a non-functioning Include Subject parameter; the Include Subject property has been removed and both filters now include the subject only if the Min Generation parameter is zero
- Fixed a bug where line-ending punctuation was sometimes added after trailing white-space, such as newline characters
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where the
variable option was not implemented properly
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where HID and SS codes in source templates were not handled properly
- Fixed a bug where the value of TMG's
variable did not match TMG output - Adjusted URL detection in source elements to handle additional cases, including URLs delimited by "\<" and "\>"
Version 2.11
- Added the Anchors facility that supports links to locations on a page rather than to the page as a whole
- Improved the List of People User Item to reduce the time it takes to make long lists
- Fixed a bug where citation references created with Cite Codes and Footnote Codes did not highlight the indicated citation item when clicked
Enhancements for Reunion
- Added configuration statements to load Reunion's non-standard source element records
Changes for RootsMagic
- The Sources.Use Application Types property now determines whether GedSite will use both pre-defined RootsMagic source types and source types defined in the GEDCOM file
The Master Genealogist
Changes for The Master Genealogist
- Updated application-specific Text Codes; see the help page
- Improve the error message for improperly-nested
Version 2.10
- GedSite now rejects drag'n'drop of external files in the HTML Editor window
- Recursive variable references will now produce an error in the application log rather than crashing the program
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where the RootsMagic Private Switch was not working in source templates; the Private Switch has the form:
<!private-text | public-text>
The Master Genealogist
Changes for The Master Genealogist
- Added support for Exhibit Codes as defined in Second Site to allow per-exhibit control over exhibit linking and embedding
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed several embedded citation formatting issues
- Changed the printer codes parser to ignore more unescaped '[' and ']' characters
- Fixed a bug where the second embedded text exhibit in consecutive embedded text exhibits would be nested inside the first
Version 2.09
- Added more "date correction" code to handle more variations of invalid but recognizable dates
- Fixed an issue where long error messages would display in a window wider than the current monitor
- Fixed an error where Last Edited date terms added in version v2.07 or previous of the program would cause errors in version 2.08 Family Trees
Changes for Family Trees
- Added configuration statements that improve the results when processing GEDCOM files exported by Family Trees
- GedSite now removes duplicate citations caused by a custom "_APID" tag whose use/meaning is unknown and probably specific to
Family Historian
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed a bug where spaces around parameters in the
function caused incorrect results
Enhancements for RootsMagic
- Added support for Source Types
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where the
parameter was not implemented for name variables
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where the Notes.Add Note to Global Sentence and Notes.Add Note to Local Sentence properties were adding the memo even if there was a reference to a memo variable in the sentence template
- Changed how GedSite responds to an invalid role name in a TMG project (an internal TMG error): the program will now now write an error to the log rather than rejecting the TMG project
- Changed the
[CIT:] ... [:CIT]
handler to allow citation text that includes printer codes - Changed the processing associated with Notes.Add Note to Global Sentences and Notes.Add Note to Local Sentences: when the property is checked, and memo text is added to the sentence template output, the text will be preceded by "; " rather than just " "
- Fixed a bug where the first word in a sentence continuation ("
") was uppercased and spaces were removed, actions which are not appropriate for continuation sentences - Fixed a bug where the
sentence variable was not implemented - Fixed a bug where old style dates (showing two years) were incorrect by a year
Version 2.08
- Added the Sources.Show Source Number property
- Added the
Person Variable Parameter which returns an attribute value - Added Tag Type translation files for the following cultures:
– Afrikaans (South Africa)da-dk
– Danish (Denmark)de-de
– German (Germany)fr-fr
– French (France)nb-no
– Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)sv-se
– Swedish (Sweden)
- Added "By birth (descending)" as a Sort People option in the List of People item
- Added additional log entries that help diagnose circular relationships that interfere with the relationship calculator
- Added a Sort People property to the List of People item
- Adjusted the user interface to avoid issues with high-resolution displays
- Fixed a bug where some exhibits appeared multiple times in an Exhibit Gallery
- Fixed a bug where the "&" character in exhibit filenames would cause errors
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added support for a specific Family Historian sentence template entry:
{=TextIf( %FACT.DATE% = DateAt(1939,9,29), "1939 register", "census")}
Changes for Reunion
- GedSite now removes duplicate citations caused by Reunion grouping embedded citations in the GEDCOM file
The Master Genealogist
Changes for The Master Genealogist
- Added support for tag sentence continuations
- Added a period to source template output if the template does not end with a period to conform with TMG behavior
- Added a configuration file scheme so that GedSite can support TMG custom sentence languages
- Changed a key data structure used during the TMG Direct Import to enable some unusual, but valid, TMG projects to be loaded
- Modified the method GedSite uses to convert TMG language names to culture codes
- Added support for TMG Language name "SWEDISH" which now maps to "sv-se", the culture code for "Swedish (Sweden)"
- Added error-detection logic to the TMG project loader to avoid errors due to invalid PJC file entries
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where non-primary name tags with excluded sentences were not included in the index and not available for use as an alternate name in an event
- Fixed a bug where the TMG
printer code was not being removed properly - Fixed several minor issues with TMG date conversion
- TMG regular dates with a trailing "?" character will now sort after the same date without a trailing "?" character
See the Dates section of the The Master Genealogist help page for details.
- Fixed a bug where the
[Repository Memo]
variable and its variations were not working properly in source templates - Fixed a bug where role sentences for English (United Kingdom) were not loaded properly
- Fixed a bug where repositories using a TMG ID# as a name were not assigned a name
- Fixed a bug where TMG printer codes in embedded exhibit captions were not processed correctly
- Fixed a bug where variables
were not implemented - Fixed a bug where the
code was not implemented - Fixed a bug where the
code in an exhibit caption was not supported and not removed from the text; the code is still not supported, but now the text is removed - Fixed a bug where using references to people in the project as source element values did not work
- Fixed a bug where GedSite would fail to include some literal text in TMG Name Styles
- Fixed a bug where variables
did not work
Version 2.07
- Added support for Text Codes in several User Items
- Added a [Reset] button to the Alternate Folder property
- Fixed a bug where typing negative lat/long values required avoiding a leading minus sign ("-")
- Fixed a bug where accent classes were not assigned correctly when Accent Styles were not used in numeric order
- Fixed a bug where incorrect encoding-related messages were added to the GEDCOM.log file
Version 2.06
- Added Optimize Image Files properties to the Exhibits section
- Added the Show Title option to the Person Exhibits item in the Person Entry
- Added the Show Title option to the Family Sections item in the Person Entry
- Added the Connector Style property to the Box Pedigree Chart
- Added the Ancestor Generation and Descendant Generation criteria terms
- Updated all GedSite browser scripts to eliminate the use of HTTP cookies
HTTP cookies can be used to store personally-identifiable information. GedSite was not using them for that purpose, but someone visiting or assessing the site might assume otherwise. In prior versions, GedSite preferred the use of Web storage over cookies, and only used cookies when Web storage was not available. As of this version, GedSite will only use Web storage. There is no loss in functionality because Web storage is supported by all current browsers.
- Several text properties are now edited via multi-line text areas without opening the Text Editor or HTML Editor
- The Text Editor now includes [OK] and [Cancel] buttons
- Updated the Three Column and Two Column Formats to improve the results when there are multiple rows of person exhibits
- Added the Customize > Edit Preferences... command
As of version 2.06, there is only a single preference, Upgrade Query Frequency.
- Startup process change:
GedSite version 2.06 (and subsequent versions) will prompt you to set the Upgrade Query Frequency during the startup process for one of your initial uses of the program. The default value is "Never", and GedSite will not perform the automated query to determine if a new version is available. I recommend that you change the setting to one of the other options, such as "Once a Week", but that is your choice.
See the help page for more information.
- GedSite now recognizes more invalid (but common) GEDCOM HEAD.CHAR values; as before, users should choose UTF-8 if their genealogy program provides that encoding option
- The Accent-related properties in the Theme.Charts section have been moved to Theme.Accents; accents apply to Charts, but also to other items
- Fixed a bug where some image file types would cause a crash in GedSite (some TIFF files, in particular)
- Fixed a bug where using the File > Save As command crashed GedSite if the Input (-i) folder for the target .gsfile already existed and contained files that existed in the Input (-i) folder for the source .gsfile
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was not using the correct decoder for all external text files, such as text exhibit files and files included via the Include User Item
This bug caused the misinterpretation of accented characters such as "é" in some external text files; "é" would appear as "é" or possibly as a question mark inside a diamond.
GedSite will now inspect text exhibit files and include files to choose a decoder based on the contents. It will do well with Unicode files that have a byte order mark, and UTF-8 files that do not have a byte order mark. If a text file does not have a byte order mark, and is not a valid UTF-8 file, GedSite will use the default decoder for the current Windows configuration. That decoder is compatible with Windows 1252 for Windows versions configured for English-speaking users. The default decoder may be different where Windows has been configured for other cultures.
Family Historian
Enhancements for Family Historian
- The sort date from the marriage event for a couple is now copied to the Note or Fam Note event associated with that family
Fixes for Legacy
- Fixed a bug where the
variable was producing "He" or "She" for a sentence applied to a couple event; GedSite now produces "They" to match the Legacy result - Fixed a bug where the
variable was producing "His" or "Her" for a sentence applied to a couple event; GedSite now produces "Their" to match the Legacy result
Enhancements for RootsMagic
- GedSite now loads the
tag that RootsMagic adds to GEDCOM files
Version 2.05
- Added the Canonical Base URL property to the Publish Section
- Added a Children Indicator (defaults to "+") to children listed in Family Sections to indicate the child has children
- Fixed a bug where using a Wizard menu entry when no datafile was chosen would cause an error; Wizard entries are now disabled until a datafile is chosen
- Fixed a bug where Person Link Items in menus were not always disabled when the person was not included in the site; usually, you would not include a link to a person that is not included, but if you do, GedSite should not generate a broken link
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where the role variable
was not recognized
Version 2.04
- Added the Name Format property to the Family Explorer item
- The GRID option for variables in source and citation templates may now include a mix of table rows and regular text, and a row in a single-row table will always be rendered as a data row, not a heading row
- Fixed a bug where the exclude options for Tag Sets ("Exclude from subsequent Body sets" and "Exclude from subsequent Panel sets") were not working properly
- Fixed a bug where several Formats were showing Role.Name rather than Role.Label
- Fixed a bug where linked exhibits were not scaled properly when the image was wider than its container on the image page
- Fixed a bug where lat/long coordinates in Mapping Service Links were in the wrong format when GedSite was running on a computer where the regional settings did not use period as the decimal separator
The Master Genealogist
Enhancements for The Master Genealogist
- TMG Direct Import now uses the Language.Site Language value to determine which tag labels to display
- Adjusted the style parser to issue warnings for certain errors in styles, such as duplicate part labels
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where printer codes were not resolved in source element values
Version 2.03
The Master Genealogist
Fixes for The Master Genealogist
- Fixed a bug where TMG Direct Import would fail with a duplicate item exception due to duplicate Source Type names
- Fixed a bug where TMG Direct Import would fail with an out of range exception due to invalid TMG date values
Version 2.02
- Added the "Age", "Age (Text)", and "Age (TorC)" predefined values for Tag Set: Table Panel columns
- Added the Note Filter to the Exhibit Gallery User Item.
- Added the Language.Sentence Language property
- Changed the method GedSite uses to choose a Tag Type for GEDCOM "Family" events
When using a GEDCOM file that supplies tag type information, GedSite should now use the GEDCOM-supplied family event rather than a GedSite-defined event or individual event.
- The HTML for place links now includes mapping service-specific CSS classes so that the link icons can use unique styles per mapping service
- The first place mentioned in place marker text is now rendered with an HTML H2 element, which matches any subsequent places that are at the same coordinates
- GedSite will detect when a Page User Item is used to create an error page
- The GedSite installer should now avoid the .NET Framework installer "3010" error message
- Fixed a bug where the "
" parameter did not work on the[Y]
variable - Fixed a bug where URL detection included HTML tags in URLs if the tag followed the URL text
- Fixed a bug where all name tags were included in the Name Index even if the Tag Type was not selected in the Data.Tags list
- Fixed a bug with Citation Template set to "Full, then Short" where a short footnote was not merged with a previous full footnote even though the citation detail was the same
- Fixed an "off-by-one" bug where GedSite crashed when creating User Items with selection criteria, such as Calendars, Maps, etc., and the highest person ID in the file was a multiple of 8
Family Historian
Enhancements for Family Historian
- Added support for shared image file exhibits that have more than one caption per GEDCOM
record using Family Historian's_ASID
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was using its own sentence templates for some tags with Family Historian-supplied sentence templates
Fixes for Legacy
- Added a filter to remove the Marriage event definition in GEDCOM files written by Legacy
The default marriage template for Legacy does not work well in the person entry for GedSite. GedSite now ignores the Legacy Marriage event definition and thus will use its standard Marriage event roles and templates.
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was not loading Legacy Role sentences properly
The Master Genealogist
Enhancements for The Master Genealogist
- Added Direct Import support: GedSite will now create a web site by reading the TMG database files and without using a GEDCOM file
Version 2.01
- GedSite now requires .NET 4.7, and the GedSite 2.01 installer will start the .NET 4.7.1 installer if it does not find .NET 4.7 or newer
This change was prompted by new and updated third-party components.
- Improved support for GEDCOM
record - Added elapsed time to "background task complete" messages in application log
- Fixed a bug where the Format property and other properties appeared with no value when initially edited and, if changed, caused a crash when making the site
Version 2.00
- Added Map User Item for adding maps to a site, with support for Google Maps and Bing Maps
- Added the Edit > Get Tag Sentence command to the Sentence Tester window
- You may now run more than one instance of GedSite
In prior versions, running a second instance of GedSite would trigger a permissions error on a log file. GedSite will now write to a unique log file for each instance of the program that you start.
- Added the GRID option for variables in source and citation templates; Family Historian users who add information via Ancestral Sources may find the GRID option useful for transcriptions
- Improved exhibit-related error messages to assist troubleshooting
- Improved the Publish command to avoid uploading unchanged Javascript files
- Updated several third-party components:
- Updated the MetadataExtractor for DotNet from v1.5.3 to v2.0.0. GedSite uses this component to read metadata from image files. The new release includes bug fixes and support for more media filetypes.
- Updated several packages where the changes are wholly or mostly technical in nature and invisible to end users, including AvsAn (v2.2.0.0 to v3.0.1.0) and log4net (from v1.2.15 to v2.0.8)
Family Tree Maker
Fixes for Family Tree Maker
- Added a workaround for an Family Tree Maker bug
FTM has a bug where OBJE (media / exhibit) records are omitted from the GEDCOM file if the user chooses the FTM option to exclude private media. In some cases, a custom _PHOTO record is included, and as of this version, GedSite will use the _PHOTO record in place of the missing OBJE record. This will include some of the missing exhibits in the site. If/when MacKiev fixes the bug, GedSite will not need to be modified because the workaround GedSite uses will avoid loading the exhibit twice.
Enhancements for Reunion
- Added support for GEDCOM files produced by the old, Windows version of Reunion (v4.x)
Enhancements for rootstrust
- Added support for rootstrust sentence templates
Version 1.11.04
- Fixed several bugs and inconsistencies in the sentence template processor
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- If two Fact Types (one Family Event and one Individual Event) have the same name, GedSite will now give preference to the Family Event rather than the Fact Type defined last in the GEDCOM file
Version 1.10.28
Family Historian
Fixes for Family Historian
- Fixed a bug introduced in v1.10.27 where witness references were not working properly in sentence templates
Version 1.10.27
- GedSite now detects duplicate exhibits when it is merging citations to make the citation list in the person entry
- Fixed a bug where calculated ages were off by one when the event date was in the same month but a lesser day than the birth date
- Fixed an issue where GedSite was not detecting that some exhibit references were exact duplicates of other exhibit references
- Fixed a bug where GedSite's Marriage sentence template in "Dutch (Belgium)" had a syntax error that caused incorrect results
Enhancements for Legacy
- Added support for global sentences, i.e., sentences defined in the Event Definition window in Legacy that apply to all events of that type that do not have local sentences
- GedSite now loads Legacy's marriage status codes and creates either a Marriage Status event or a more specific event based on the status code
- Fixed a bug where Legacy's
variable was not implemented properly - Fixed a bug where the "Name" field in an address was not loaded properly; the Name field is now stored in the "Addressee" part of the second place record; the second place record is accessed via the Legacy
variable, or the GedSite[L:I2]
Enhancements for rootstrust
- Added some enhancements for rootstrust GEDCOM files; the enhancements depend on unannounced rootstrust features that will not be available until the next rootstrust release. (See v2.00, above.)
Version 1.9.22
- Improved date formatting for some date ranges; see the Dates Section
- Fixed a bug where date format pull-down menus would show the wrong value because they were ignoring upper/lower case differences when initializing the pull-down menu
Enhancements for rootstrust
- Added initial support for GEDCOM files written by rootstrust
Version 1.8.8
- Fixed a bug where some RootsMagic switch expressions would fail if the expression included an empty alternative
- Adjusted the dates-only lifespan formats to always include the separator if there is a death date
- Adjusted the code that reads metadata from image files such that an error reading metadata for one exhibit will not interfere with processing other exhibits attached to the same person, event, etc.
A bug in Family Tree Maker 2017 (FTM) exposed this weakness in GedSite because FTM categorizes non-image files as image files with a
Version 1.6.26
- Added the Family Date Format and Family Lifespan Format to customize lifespans in the Family Section and Parent Section separately from other lifespans in the person entry
Any lifespans included in the Family Section headings will now follow the Family Lifespan Format.
- Fixed a bug where GEDCOM SOUR (source) and REPO (repository) records with a zero XREF value such as
would not be loaded properly - Fixed a bug where multiple exhibits attached to the same record (person, event, etc.) were not sorted properly
Fixes for Reunion
- Fixed a bug where custom Reunion census sentence templates would be ignored if the tag type matched an alias predefined by GedSite
Version 1.5.22
- Added the Common Ancestor Chart
- Fixed a bug where some deceased people were categorized as living because GedSite was not interpreting descendant's events properly
Version 1.5.10
- In the Narration, Two Columns, and Three Columns Formats, list-type output such as Person References and Relationships are now assigned the CSS classes
in place ofgs-pan-td-label
, respectively, which were used in prior versions; this makes the grid-type Formats consistent with the list-type Formats in terms of CSS class assignments
- Updated the installer to remove the "en-us-relationships.xml" file which is no longer required and interferes with the proper operation of the Relationships feature
- Fixed a bug where the relationship templates configuration file for "English (United Kingdom)" (en-gb) was not named properly
- Fixed a bug where the delete button was disabled for the Relationships Person Entry Item
- Fixed a bug where the relationship calculator would not choose the closest relationship in some cases where two people were related multiple ways
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed an error where GedSite was using the wrong value to associate Tag Types with events; this sometimes caused missing events in the output
Version 1.5.01
- Added the Relationships Person Entry item
- Added the Wizards menu
- Added the Add Reference property to the Image User Item which is enabled when the image is linked to a person
- The "Ancestor of" and "Descendant of" Filter terms now include an option to include or omit the subject person
Prior to this version, the subject was always included, but that may not be desirable in all instances. Uncheck the Include Subject checkbox to omit the subject.
- Exhibits are now sorted in Exhibit Galleries and when linked or embedded on other pages
- Fixed a bug where the Non-primary only filter for Person exhibits in the Exhibit Gallery was not working properly
Version 1.4.18
- Added the Box Descendant Chart
- Added the Box Pedigree Chart
- Added the Relationship Chart
- Added the Person References Person Entry item, and added properties to various items to control the creation of references
- Added a label to the Compiler output; the default (in English) is "Compiler:", so example output is now "Compiler: Jane Doe"
- Added the Class property to the Indented Descendant Chart and the Indented Pedigree Chart
- Two chart-related CSS class names have been changed: "chartinddesc" is now "gs-c-list-desc" and "chartindped" is now "gs-c-list-ped"
GedSite does not include styles for the class names mentioned above. If you have a User Style that uses one of the class names, you must change that User Style to use the new class name.
- Updated Belgian Dutch translations (nl-be) with edits from Jan Verhavert
- Fixed a bug where living people had a parent section even though the People property "Show when Child" was unchecked
Version 1.4.3
- Added the HTML Editor
Family Tree Maker
Changes for Family Tree Maker
- Expanded the list of Family Tree Maker custom GEDCOM records that are supported by GedSite
Version 1.4
- Added the Image Gallery User Item
- Added the Color Editor to all color properties
- Added a user class to the Exhibit Gallery item
- The text of the
GEDCOM record is now stored in both the "Title" and "_TITL" source variables; some GEDCOM files specify a part named "Title" separately from theSOUR.TITL
value and the addition of the "_TITL" variables makes both values accessible - Updated Norwegian site strings with edits from Torleif Haugødegård
- Fixed a bug where the default value of the Styles.Page.Content.background-color property was set to:
The proper value is:@theme-backcolor.content-background-color
- Fixed a bug where the page title on a person page was not set to the person's name when only one person was shown
Changes for Reunion
- Added support for several Reunion custom GEDCOM tags
Changes for RootsMagic
- The value of the custom RootsMagic
source element is now loaded in the_BIBL
source variable
Version 1.3.16
- Added a user class to the Last Edited and Attribute Person Entry Items
- GedSite now saves and restores the expanded / collapsed state of item lists; the state is saved in the GedSite file when you save it
- Added a version number check when opening a GedSite file
- Added verification of Theme folder when opening a GedSite file
- Changed name formatting in the Calendar to givenname-first
- Changed image file handling to ignore width and height parameters from EXIF metadata; the values are not reliable and GedSite will get the width and height from other metadata or by loading the image Bitmap
- Added the
file to all Themes; some Themes have a customized version
Changes for Legacy
- Legacy nick names are now removed from the given name part; see the help page for details
Version 1.3.13
- Added the Calendar User Item
- Added the Class property to the Image User Item
- Added the Styles.Page.Sidebar section for styling the sidebar
- Added the Styles.Page.Site Title and Styles.Page.Page Title sections for styling the Site Title and Page title, respectively
- Added support for split witness memo parts to the
- Reduced the Lightbox opacity value to allow more of the underlying page to show through
- Fixed a bug where events for limited living people were not filtered out of List of People results
Changes for Heredis
- Heredis witnesses and roles are now recognized by GedSite
Version 1.3.10
- Added the Indented Pedigree Chart User Item
- Added the Puzzle Piece and Contented1 Themes
- Added the Accents facility to the Indented Pedigree Chart and the List of People User Item
- Added the Show Lightbox property to the Image User Item
- The Style property in the Accent window now shows the colors of the selected Accent Style
- Fixed a bug where place notes were not handled properly resulting in missing place information pages
- Fixed a bug where primary images in GEDCOM files from some applications, including Family Tree Maker and Brother's Keeper, were not handled properly resulting in some duplicate exhibits or no assignment of a primary person exhibit
- Fixed a bug where two CSS classes meant to be unique had the same name; please see newsletter for details
- Fixed several textbox display issues that only affected the "Metro" skin
Brother's Keeper
Changes for Brother's Keeper
- Brother's Keeper flags are now loaded as Attributes which you may include in the Person Entry or use as the basis for filter criteria; see the Flags section of GedSite's Brother's Keeper help page
Version 1.3.8
- Added the Lightbox facility which allows users to expand images that have been resized or scaled
- Added the Include User Item
- Added link properties to the Image User Item so images may be used as links
- Added the Accents facility which allows users to highlight entries in Indented Descendant Charts and future chart types
- Added the ID Number filter term to allow filtering based on a person's ID number
- Added icons for User Items and Person Entry Items
- For GEDCOM files that include primary/not-primary markers for exhibits, changed GedSite to honor the not-primary marker
- Fixed a bug where the Copy / Paste User Styles command did not paste selectors properly
Changes for Reunion
- Added support for Reunion's custom
records which are used to provide place details, including location coordinates
Version 1.3.5
- Added the List of People User Item
- Added Last Edited and Tag Date filter terms, including a "Within" operator for comparing dates to the current date
- Added the Attribute filter term to allow filtering based on attribute values
- Extended the Person Entry Attribute item to provide more control over what text is included on the person page for an attribute
- Added the Copy User Style and Paste User Style commands in the Edit Menu of the User Style window
- Added the Exhibits.Caption Preference property
- Added the "Is Empty" and "Is Not Empty" operators to all text filters
- Added Banner to the list of Header Script choices
- Fixed a bug where String section values with certain special characters were being ignored
- Fixed incorrect default values for the font-family property in the Styles.Page.Body section and the Style.Page.Header section
- Correct a bug where some tag types (aka fact definitions) read from the GEDCOM file would not be used for all the intended events
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Family Historian flags are now loaded as Attributes which you may include in the Person Entry or use as the basis for filter criteria; see the Flags section of GedSite's Family Historian help page
Family Tree Maker
Changes for Family Tree Maker
- Added support for the Family Tree Maker version of the
record where the value is presumed to represent a nickname; see the Names section of GedSite's Family Tree Maker help page - Mapped several Family Tree Maker custom GEDCOM tags to new and/or existing tag types; see the Events section of GedSite's Family Tree Maker help page
Version 1.3
- Added the Filter property to the People section so users can choose who to include in the site
The Filter property supports more than a dozen filter terms and uses nesting to create complex selection logic, if that is necessary. See the Filters help page for more details.
- Added two properties to allow more customization of Place Information pages
- Added OpenStreetMap to the mapping service options; OpenStreetMap is limited to places with latitude / longitude coordinates
- Added the Add Place 1 to Place 2 for Geocoding option in the Places section
- SOUR (source) records that are subordinate to CONT (continuation) records are promoted to the parent of the CONT record; in prior versions, those source citations were ignored
- Fixed a problem where images were not scaling properly on mobile devices or browsers with small windows
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- The Family Historian variable
{their ages}
now returns the age text values from the fact whereas it was returning calculated ages - The Family Historian variable
{their age ranges}
now returns the age text values from the fact or a calculated value if there is no age text; in prior versions it was returning calculated ages only - Adjusted the
, and{date:ABBREV4}
variables to omit the date prefix; note that in GedSite, all those variables produce the same date format as{date}
because GedSite uses a different model for date formatting so the only difference is the date prefix
Version 1.2.6
- Fixed a bug where place exhibits were ignored for some ADDR and PLAC records
- Fixed a bug where places imported from TMG GEDCOM files would not work properly
- Fixed a bug where Input (-i) folder files were being copied after the site's CSS was being created and that caused problems with background images that were in the "st" subfolder of the Input (-i) folder
- Fixed a bug where single quotes (AKA apostrophes) in tag type names caused an error in GedSite
Changes for Reunion
- GedSite now removes a leading newline character from certain NOTE records in Reunion GEDCOM files
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Fixed a bug where nested switches in RootsMagic sentence templates would not always produce the correct output
Version 1.2.5
This release includes a change to place handling that affects sentences written using GedSite's sentence templates. See GedSite News #010 for details.
- Added the Data.Places section with properties for adding links to mapping services
- Added support for notes and exhibits attached to places; a place with a note and/or an exhibit will include an icon that links to a place information page that shows the note and/or exhibit
- Adjusted the place cleaning process so it applies to text supplied via the GEDCOM
record as well as to thePLAC
record - Added the Chart Page Page Set; if a Page User Item contains a chart, and the chart is wide, change the Page User Item to use the Chart PageSet
- Added properties in the Exhibits Section to support Place exhibits
- Added the Place property to the Exhibit Gallery User Item to support Place exhibits
- Added new Text Content Properties to the Exhibit Gallery
- Added new properties in Themes to make button colors more obvious, and switched several styles to use the new button properties
- Fixed a bug where the script file that implements the interactive elements of the Indented Descendant Chart was not named correctly causing the interactive features to not work when the site was published to a Linux-based web host
- Fixed a bug where lifespans for spouses in the Family Section were not honoring the Person Entry Lifespan property in the Dates section as intended
- Fixed a bug where unrecognized file types were not being assigned the "Document" exhibit type
Version 1.2
- Added the Indented Descendant Chart User Item
- GedSite now uses events with "about", "circa" and "say" dates when determining if a person is living or dead; the threshold year is adjusted earlier by ten years
- Exhibit Gallery text filters now include an additional text field, the Exhibit File Path
- Exhibit Gallery text filters now include "not" operators ("does not contain", "does not start with", etc.)
- Added the Create Gendex File property
- GedSite's drop-down lists now ignore the mousewheel
- For color properties that use a redirect ("@theme..."), GedSite now sets the background color of the textbox to the redirected value
Version 1.1.7
- Added the Exhibit Gallery User Item
- Added the Exhibits.Embed Position property to control whether embedded exhibits are inserted before or after the text associated with the parent record
- For person exhibits and tag exhibits, added links from Linked Exhibit pages back to the people attached to the parent record of the exhibit
- GedSite now removes empty Birth and Death events; both "1 DEAT Y" and "1 BIRT Y" will be removed if there are no other records for the event
- Added the
parameters to theA
(Age) variable
- Fixed a bug where the Publish command was removing certain files that it should ignore
- Fixed a bug where some invalid sentences would produce a "No item to pop" error message rather than a more detailed error message
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added variable mapping for several Family Historian Data References (see list)
- Changed the Family Historian
variable to map to the[S:A:TEXT:AT]
variable so it will use the age text value rather than a computed value - Changed the Family Historian
{age range}
variable to map to the[S:A:TORC:AT]
variable so it will use the age text value, or if that is empty, a computed value
Changes for RootsMagic
- Changed the RootsMagic variable
to use the:IN
prefix option - Changed the RootsMagic variable
to use the:AT
prefix option
Version 1.1.5
- Added five Themes using graphics contributed by Carla's Graphics Designs
- GedSite now adjusts place values for display, including the removal of extra commas
- GedSite now replaces newline characters in text fields with one HTML
tag rather than two - Added the
variable to insert a witness memo (AKA NOTE) into sentence output - For all exhibits that are not attached to a person, GedSite now renders linked exhibits before embedded exhibits
- For exhibits attached to citations or sources, embedded exhibits will begin beneath the citation or source text rather than on the same line
- Added a new Tag Type Group, "Baptism", and assigned it to the Baptism and Christening Tag Types
- Updated the "one page script" to improve back button handling on person pages
- Added the Styles > Page > Extra Section so that Theme properties apply to the Extra Section as intended
- Fixed a bug where a message panel in the Sentence Tester was not moving when the window was resized
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- The Family Historian variable
now maps to the GedSite variable[D:WP]
to trigger the "in" or "on" prefix and mimic FH output - Added support for the Family Historian variables
; these map to new GedSite variables[S:WCCHILDREN]
, respectively - Fixed a bug where the Family Historian variable
was not mapping to the GedSite variable[D:Year]
as intended - Fixed a bug where the Family Historian variable
caused an exception
Changes for RootsMagic
- Added support for the RootsMagic options
, and:hisher
; these map to the appropriate GedSite pronoun options - RootsMagic role variables will return everyone assigned to the role except the subject, and that appears to match the RootsMagic output
In prior versions, role variables would return everyone assigned to the role including the subject. That behavior was based on the RootsMagic help file entry for role variables, where it says, "All witnesses to the event with the specified role. The name of the role is typed in square brackets, e.g. [Witness], [Doctor], [Minister]" [emphasis added].
- Fixed a bug where options on the RootsMagic variable
were ignored
Version 1.1.2
- Added the nonzero - brown and nonzero - red Themes
- Added "
" as an option for person variables - GedSite now resolves relative file paths for exhibit/media files; GedSite assumes that the file location is relative to the GEDCOM data file location
- Updated German site strings with edits from translator Vera Nagel
- Removed the "busy" mouse cursor which was not being unset to non-busy when appropriate
Family Historian
Enhancements for Family Historian
- GedSite now imports Tag Types from Family Historian GEDCOM files including sentence and role definitions when exporting using Mike Tate's Export Gedcom File plug-in
Changes for Family Historian
- For Family Historian GEDCOM files, GedSite now handles
records for family events as well as individual events
Changes for RootsMagic
- Added "
" as an option for RootsMagic person name variables, and mapped it to the new GedSite parameter of the same name - Added "
" as an option for RootsMagic Date variables, and mapped it to the[Y]
variable in GedSite
Version 1.1
- Added the Database.Use Global Sentences property to control whether GedSite uses Tag Type sentences and roles loaded from a GEDCOM file (see above)
- Themes may now use a
file to add CSS to the site; this will simplify custom Theme creation for Theme designers
- Added sentences for several Tag Types that had empty sentences
- GedSite now moves the value stored in the GEDCOM
record, if any, to the[M:Age]
property of the associated event
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was not applying language-specific strings properly when making the site
- Fixed a bug where pasting a multi-line value into a textbox would only paste one line of the value
- Fixed a bug where changing Language.Site Language before choosing a GEDCOM file would cause a fatal error
- Fixed a bug where a comma would appear in place of the gender if the Show Gender property of the Person Entry.Summary was unchecked
- Fixed a bug where the Styles.Page.Container.font-family was set to "sans-serif" when the correct default is "inherit"
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- Added an alias so that GedSite will apply Family Historian rules when loading GEDCOM files exported with Mike Tate's Export Gedcom File plug-in
Enhancements for RootsMagic
- GedSite now imports Tag Types from RootsMagic GEDCOM files including sentence and role definitions
Fixes for RootsMagic
- Changed RootsMagic sentence processing such that the
parameter will always include the date prefix unless the[Date:plain]
option is used
Version 1.0.4
Color properties will now show the current color as the background color of the textbox, for example, #336699 or red
The change above was made obsolete by the addition of the Color Editor in version 1.4
- Added partial translations for site strings in Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), and German (Germany)
- Fixed a bug where the wrong template was used to render source entries on source pages
Family Historian
Changes for Family Historian
- For Family Historian GEDCOM files, GedSite now loads an event's ADDR (address) value to the
field, and FH variable{address}
produces that value - For Family Historian GEDCOM files, GedSite now loads an event's _PLAC (second place) value to the
field, and FH variable{_place2}
produces that value
Changes for RootsMagic
- For RootsMagic GEDCOM files, GedSite now accepts EN-DASH (–) with "dash number" sort dates
- For RootsMagic GEDCOM files, GedSite now loads the DEAT.CAUS value to the
field so that[desc]
in GedSite will have the same meaning as in RootsMagic
Version 1.0.3
- The Clear parameter for Tag Set Panels is now applied to the heading (if any) as well as to the paragraph, list, or table that contains the tags
- Added partial translation for site strings in Norwegian (Bokmål)
- Added default sentences for the Retirement event
- Fixed a bug where the lifespan format "(birth-death)" was not formatted correctly
- Fixed a bug where GedSite was misinterpreting dates with no year value when determining if someone is dead or alive
- Fixed a bug where enabling the Index Membership item would cause Make Site to fail; the item will be ignored until Custom Indexes are added as a feature
Changes for RootsMagic
- GedSite now supports RootsMagic "dash numbers" after a sort date value such as the "
" in12 JUN 1900-1
- Added ":simple" as a RootsMagic option on date and place variables
Version 1.0.2
- GedSite now sets the exhibit type based on the file extension of the external file when the GEDCOM file does not include an
- Fixed an error where GedSite was failing to load a GEDCOM file when a witness record was pointing to the current person, i.e., a person was listed as a witness to one of his or her own events
- Fixed an error where GedSite was failing to load a GEDCOM file when a FAM record had no child records
- Fixed an error where GedSite was failing to load a GEDCOM file when a NOTE record had a missing or invalid pointer
- Fixed an error where GedSite was failing to make a site if an error occurred when reading an image's meta data
Version 1.0
The first release of GedSite, a web site builder for GEDCOM files!